Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Apples, Corn Maze and the October Visit

Introduction:  In an effort to keep this blog from being a recitation of what I do every day, I’m going to tell about the October Visit as the thoughts pop into my head. That could be dangerous considering that I sprayed hair spray all over a shirt last week instead of ”Shout.”

Amelia is always glad to see us.  Lots of hugs and kisses.

She still likes Chuck-E-Cheese although she didn’t want anything to eat.  She just wanted to play the games so Bubba and I ate pizza and watched her.
Playing games at Chuck-E-Cheese
The weather was cool and very pleasant.  We went to Jaemore Farms for their fall activities on Friday after Amelia and Amy had early release.  Being a fun Nana, I decided to do the corn maze with Amy and Amelia with Amelia holding the map and leading the way (Dora the Explorer).  Bubba sat comfortably under a shelter enjoying the cool fall breeze.

It didn't take Amy long to lose that sweater.
There is no cool breeze in a corn maze.  Nana began to sweat profusely.
Doesn't he look cool?
There are hills in the corn maze.

Amelia led us past the same white plastic spoon lying on the ground at least three times.
There was a bridge in the middle of the corn maze with at least a million steps going up.

Bubba called to see if we were almost done….we had no idea.

Amelia rode a pumpkin train three times.  Amy rode with her once.  Nana wasn’t fun anymore.
This was a rough ride, but fun.

Even Amy thinks it is fun.

She and Amy did duck races, petted animals and shot the apple cannon.  Nana was still trying to cool off.

They both got to shoot three times.

Amelia didn't like the loud noise.

Duck races
We got homemade ice cream.  Nana and Paw-Paw were both good at this.

We had fun!
I asked an older man on staff his favorite apple for just eating and he recommended Honey Crisp.  He was not wrong.  We bought a peck of them and are enjoying them immensely.

Darryl grilled steaks.  So good!

Amy and Darryl went out to eat and to a movie.  We had breakfast for supper at Cracker Barrel.  Pancakes and bacon is the one meal you can count on Amelia eating.  Popcorn and chocolate milk while watching two Spy Kids movies was a perfect ending to the day.

Amy and I got to go shopping and eat lunch together.  It was nice just visiting with my girl.

Darryl took Bubba and Amelia out to eat.
Amelia painted my finger nails purple.  She did a pretty good job and I'm starting to like them this color.

I think I like it.

Amelia said, “I must be getting short term memory loss.  I can’t remember my pre-school days.”

It was a long way home!

Bubba wanted to know if I wanted to go camping at Lake Seminole and I did.  So on Tuesday after getting home from Atlanta on Sunday, we ventured out for some relaxation by a peaceful lake.

Work Camp I and Work Camp II

So after a couple of years of indecision and analyzing the pros and cons, Joe and Judy have embarked on the great adventure known as remodeling.  Judy has wanted an updated kitchen for several years now and finally the actual work has begun.  The white cabinets have been ordered and the granite has been selected; however, like most home projects one thing leads to another.  By the time they’re finished they will have new cabinets, new appliances, new lighting, new doors, new walls and new flooring throughout the house.  Whew!! That tired me out just writing that!

When we got back from our trip to Atlanta in September we offered to help.  We loaded the camper with everything for a week’s stay except food.  (That would be like taking coals to Newcastle.)  We parked the trailer in their yard and promptly named our location the W_____ Work and Camp.

Site #1 at the Work and Camp
Step one of this project involved taking up some of their garage space and building a huge pantry with a door to enter at the end of where the new cabinets will be and at the edge of their current dining room.  The pantry will be approximately 14 feet square and will have cabinets and will also house two refrigerators and a freezer.  Joe and his friend, Jerry had already begun work when we arrived, but soon after we headed to Dothan to pick up supplies, look at flooring and eat supper.  We stayed in Lowe’s so long that at one point, I thought it was almost closing time.  (I was wrong, it just seemed that long.)  After shopping we ate barbecue at Full Moon in Dothan and headed back to Opp.  Needless to say this half of the family was ready for bed.
After that followed tearing down, rebuilding, installing sheet rock, wiring etc.  I helped Judy with wallpaper removal on the inside living/dining area. 
Joe and Bubba are looking for the perfect boards.

Where is Joe?  Bubba was left to push alone.

Brothers at work!
While there I received a call on my cell phone from an old/young friend from my days working at the prison. He is an assistant warden now but was a sergeant when I first knew him. He was always special to me and when we were in the mountains in August I learned that his father had died.  I bought a sympathy card and began googling his name to find an address to send him a sympathy card.  I found a YouTube video with his name and found him teaching a class at his church.  In it he confessed publicly his womanizing and his regrets for the people he hurt and his gratitude for the patience of God with him.  I was so moved by his message that I decided to call him.  My call to the prison where he works was forwarded to his cell phone.  I had to leave a message.  When he didn’t call right back, I put his card in the mail knowing that many people never check their messages.  He called me after about a month and had just checked his messages.  I got to tell him how moved I was by the video and how proud I was of the man he had become.  The next day I got the sweetest text from him saying how much talking to me had meant to him.   It meant a lot to me as well.

We arrived on Tuesday and went home the following Wednesday.  We attended church with Joe and Judy on Sunday and got home in time on Wednesday to cook something for our church’s Wednesday night supper.
Apparently being exposed to Joe and Judy’s boundless energy was contagious because Bubba trimmed the hedge, cut the grass and painted the eaves of the house.  I did a big shopping trip for groceries, visited my neighbor in the nursing home, washed a week’s worth of laundry, put up fall decorations and did a decent job of cleaning house. We attended Sunday School and church on Sunday and headed back for another stay at the W___ Work and Camp.

This second trip included a celebration of Judy’s birthday.  We went back to Dothan for more things needed from Lowes and I bought the cutest shoes I’ve ever owned.  Then we met their friends and our new friends Jerry and Theresa for a celebration meal at Texas Roadhouse Steak House. And a good time was had by all.
My cute shoes!
Pecans have started falling and we picked up a bucket full while there.  I was walking between the house and the trailer one afternoon and I spied a pecan laying on the pavement.   I leaned over to pick it up and just toppled right over.  I think if my head had been tucked just right it would have been a perfect somersault.  I scrapped my hands and arms and just sat there helpless unwilling to call for help because… how embarrassing that would have been.  Then Joe’s labradoodle, Aubie, walked over to  me and gave me a sympathetic look then he gave me the little bit of support I needed to get up.  I’ve been feeding him goodies ever since.  His new name is Aubie the Rescue Dog.

Aubie wants a bite of ham and he deserves it!

Making friends with our neighbor
While there I got a text from Amy saying that Amelia wanted to know when Nana and Paw-Paw were coming in October.  We hadn’t actually planned to go in October but we surely want to take advantage of her wanting us to come as long as it lasts.  We’re realistic enough to know that as she grows older she won’t have much time for Nana and Paw-Paw.  So… we got home on Saturday (camper too this time), attended church and two nights of a community wide revival and left for Atlanta on Thursday for our “October Visit”.

Burlap Wreaths

I experienced a couple of weeks with nothing exciting to do so I thought I would try making burlap wreaths.  Last year it was deco mesh.  They were pretty easy and I made three.  Just like last year I realized that you cannot let wreath making be a hobby.  They take up too much room!