Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tupelo Honey Festival

The Tupelo Honey Festival in Wewahitchka, FL draws bigger crowds every year.  The honey, which is pretty much unavailable everywhere except in this area of the south, is famous because of its taste and the fact that as it ages it does not turn into sugar.

There were all kinds of arts and crafts booths in addition to many good-looking food choices and activities for the children.
Bubba loves tupelo honey so of course he purchased a jar to take home.
We enjoyed walking around and looking, but the honey was the only thing we bought.  I think we have reached a point in life where we would rather dispose of a lot of things we have rather that add more to it.  By this time I had started my diet so the Blooming Onions and the fried dill pickles were not an option.  They sure did look good though.

Mother's Day Weekend 2013

As Mother's Day Weekend approached, we got an invitation from Amy and Darryl to come for the weekend and to stay through Monday for Amelia's spring dance recital.  Of course we accepted, but as the weekend drew nearer Bubba realized that he really needed to stay home and finish his plumbing project that had been going on for a couple of months.  He had a friend who was willing to help him and since the water would be turned off over night, it just looked like a good time for me to make the trip alone.  I like to do this every now and then.  It makes me feel independent.  I don't want to be a little old lady who has to have her husband drive her everywhere.

I left around 6:00 on Friday morning with a new book to listen to playing on my ipod and thoroughly enjoyed my drive which lasted eight hours.  I did stop every now and then for a break.  When I arrived it was almost time to pick Amelia up at school.  She always seems happy to see me.  Then we went to Outback for an early dinner because neither Amy or I had eaten much for lunch.

That evening I painted Amelia's finger and toe nails with a purple glitter nail polish and then she fixed our hair.  
I have a picture of Amy's hairdo which is every bit this bad, but I'm using it for blackmail purposes.
Of course Amelia's "do" was the best one of all.

Saturday morning Amelia and I enjoyed having the house to ourselves while Amy went to the college to give her last group of final exams.  That evening we took advantage of being "girls only" and had dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Darryl came in Saturday night late after spending the majority of the weekend in Atlanta house hunting with little success.  The house they are living in has been sold and they had planned to move back to Atlanta.  

We had a great Mother's Day.  Amelia was so proud of the gift she had for her mother.  It was a hand decorated bottle of bath salts that had been created at school along with a special homemade card.  When she got in the car after school on Friday, it took all she could do to keep it secret from her mom.  She gave hints and wanted me to smell it without letting Amy see.  When we got home, she ran to put the gift under her bed and checked every few hours to make sure it was still there.  She also made it clear to Amy that they could both use it.  I got a beautiful beach towel, beach bag, towel clips, and an Amazon gift card, all I which I can put to good use.  Amelia gave me an insulated mug that said "Nana" on the front.  It is just what I need for drinking coffee when we go camping.

Amelia invited us to eat lunch at school with her on Monday.  She was so excited.  She kept telling me what a delicious lunch they serve.  I asked her (already knowing the answer) if she would be eating it and she replied, "No! I take my lunch." 

 Monday evening was the long awaited dance recital.  Amelia's group danced to two different songs.  There were so cute.  All were dressed in their favorite tutus.
Amy and Darryl had a dozen pink and red roses for Amelia afterwards.  The yellow rose is from Mrs. Miller, her teacher, who could not be there due to her own children having awards programs at their school.

As you can tell from this picture, it was hard to get Amelia to pose with Nana for a picture.
Afterwards, we went to IHOP for pancakes, which are one of Amelia's favorite foods.  Amy and I had blueberry pancakes and they were delicious.  Have I mentioned that I'm going to have to diet again?  

While I was there for this visit, Amy and Darryl decided to postpone moving back to Atlanta for another year.  Fortunately Amy was able to withdraw her resignation and retain her position at the college.  Amelia will be able to attend kindergarten at the school she is in now which is good news for us all. They still have to move soon to another house and Bubba and I will get to keep Amelia for a week so we are really looking forward to that.  We are already making plans to do all the things she enjoys.

It was a wonderful weekend.  Amelia couldn't figure out why Paw-Paw wasn't with me.  She thought he was coming later in another vehicle.  He was missed, but I did enjoy having this time that was mostly "girls only".