Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Friday, December 20, 2013

It's Up to Me

Amy had told me several cute things Amelia has said/done recently.  I guess it's up to me to write about them.  I'm hoping Amy will have time to blog again soon.

Amelia attends an Episcopal school and at the beginning of the year parents are asked to indicate their preferences about their child taking communion.  Amy and Darryl want Amelia to wait until she understands what it is all about so they asked that she not participate.  Well apparently Amelia decided on her own to participate.  That afternoon she told her mom that her teacher told her not to take the bread next time.  Then she whined, "But Mom, I really like that bread."

Her school had a Christmas store where the children could shop for presents for their parents.  Parents set a limit on how much they can spend.  Amy picked Amelia up from school and Amelia reached into her backpack and put a lady bug cap on her head.  When they got to the car, Amy asked Amelia if she had bought something for herself at the store and she replied that she had bought herself a few things.  Then she started to pull other things from her bag that she had bought for Amy and Darryl.  Amy suggested that she keep them in the bag so that it would be surprise.  Amelia said, "All right, but I got you some real nice soap that you can use to bathe me with."

Yesterday she asked her mom if she was going to get married again.  Amy explained that she wasn't that marriage was something that should last forever.  Then Amelia asked, "If you marry someone and they are mean, can you just switch them out?"

I'm sure that I didn't tell this as good as Amy could, but for now it is up to me to save these kinds of stories for posterity.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Typical Week?

This was the first week that Bubba and I were completely retired and home all week.  Of course I've already talked about the fishing trip on Monday that was so much fun, but let's take a look at the rest of the week.

Tuesday we both got hair cuts and then we returned home where Bubba worked hard in the yard and I made a project of turning all the living room furniture upside down and vacuuming all the spider webs from underneath.  I took a picture but I don't think everyone needs to know how bad it was.  I had planned to mop and dust and a lot of other household chores, but I was exhausted after the living room upside down project so I called it quits for the day.  (I can do that now.)

Wednesday Bubba continued his work in the yard and I had a lunch date with a dear friend/former boss (Mary Ellen).  We had wanted to get together for so long to just have a good visit and we finally made the time for it.  We were at the restaurant for three hours and it was so much fun -- not to mention there was some good fried chicken and meatloaf.

Christmas shopping was the order of the day on Thursday and we managed to pick up the last couple of things we needed.  Most of our Christmas purchases were made online.  That is much less stressful.

Friday Bubba and his brother Joe went oystering and I worked around the house.  I also cooked a good supper.  Since I've retired it's usually Bubba who cooks the really good suppers.

The rain on Saturday made everything look so dreary.  I had two goals for the day -- wrap Christmas presents and make cheese balls.  I accomplished both.  Bubba fried oysters and mullet for supper.

Maybe I don't have high expectations, but it was a pretty satisfying week for me.  I love waking up and enjoying my coffee while I look out the window.  I like stopping a job in the middle because I can always finish it tomorrow.  So far I'm not seeing the downside to being retired.  I know that we will probably have some dreary days ahead but I think it's going to be just fine.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fishing on Monday

Another benefit of being retired is that you can go fishing whenever you want to.  Bubba and I woke up this morning to what appeared to be a foggy, dreary day.  We decided to go fishing anyway and set out around 8:00.

One thing about fishing I have never understood is why you have to go a long way from where you start to fish.  If you fish from the hill, you try to throw out as far as you can.  If you fish from a boat, you try to throw as close to the hill as you can.  It just doesn't make sense, but that is what we have to do.  We rode down the river and went way back into a slough.
I caught the first fish that was big enough to keep.
But I have to admit that Bubba caught the biggest fish.
We fished until about noon catching nineteen bream and a catfish.

When we got home Bubba cleaned up the boat and cleaned the fish while I worked on making him a fruit cake I had been promising him.  For supper we had fried fish, potato salad and hushpuppies.  You can't beat that for a good day.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Retirees Acting on Impulse

What do you do when you go somewhere for a week and come home with your trailer still packed with food?  You go in and wash some clothes and then go somewhere else.  That way you don't have to unload the food.  That was our strategy for the week after Thanksgiving.  We headed for St. George Island State Park for a couple more days of fun.  By now the weather was warmer and being out in the warm sunshine sounded like a good plan.  We camped at site #59 which is our favorite location.

After getting set up we headed down to the beach where we found a mermaid sculpted in the sand.  Amelia loves mermaids and I hope next time we're at the beach together maybe we can make one ourselves.
We tried surf fishing again with no luck, but it was nice just sitting out on a beautiful day and enjoying the weather.
We had planned on eating at The Hut Restaurant our first night there; however, we soon discovered that they were closed. We had just about decided to pick up a pizza on the island when we ran across Bayside Burgers.  We really didn't want a hamburger, but it was getting late and the parking lot was pretty full so we decided to give it a try.  To our delight, they had a full menu with a lot of seafood selections so we were able to get the fried shrimp that we were wanting.

The next day we tried our luck at fishing off the old bridge across Apalachicola Bay.  Once again we had no luck but enjoyed making the effort.  My goal is to catch a flounder on a rod and reel.  

The next day we decided to take a long walk on the beach.  When we came across this starfish, I asked Bubba to put it back in the water.  I told him that it reminded me of The Starfish Story.  He had never heard it so I had to tell it to him.

Later that afternoon we decided to head for home.  We had managed to eat most of our groceries.  We sat out in our recliners and read a lot.  (We get no tv at St. George Island most of the time.)  We slept with the windows open listening to the sound of the surf.  We talked and walked.  It was a good trip.
On Friday we spent the day trying to buy groceries and a few Christmas gifts.  We were both exhausted by the time we returned home.  We're looking forward to a river fishing trip next week.  They are supposed to be biting.  I am ready to do some catching!

It's Not About the Food

Days are going by much faster now that I'm retired.  We had planned to spend Thanksgiving week at Frank Jackson State Park in Opp, Alabama, several months ago. Bubba's brother Joe lives close to the park so it is always a good place to visit. Our original plan was to go on Tuesday, but after watching the weather we decided to speed up our preparations and travel up on Monday.  Thankfully we did the right thing.  It started raining and blowing Monday evening and this foul weather continued on through Tuesday when it started turning cold.

I usually make the comment that it is not all about the food, but this time was certainly centered around the food.  Tuesday afternoon I watched Judy make three cakes - chocolate, German chocolate, and carrot.  She says that I helped, but I only stirred one time.

By the time we got to their house on Wednesday morning, Judy had already made a coconut pie, a pecan pie, dressing, dumplings and sweet potato casserole.  You may be wondering how many people were going to devour this feast - probably thirty right?  No, just seven.

The cold weather continued and made it seem like the perfect Thanksgiving.  Joe and Judy's son Jody, his wife Melissa, and son John came to join us for dinner.  Everything was delicious and you can rest assured that I did my part in sampling all this delicious food.

That evening Jody and Melissa went home leaving John with his grandparents for the rest of the week which made us all happy.  He is a sweet little boy and is a pleasure to have around.

On Friday Joe got Bubba to go with him over close to Birmingham to buy a boat he had seen advertised.  Of course they had to have a flat tire on the trailer on the way back, but eventually they made it.  Judy and I visited and enjoyed John and I have to admit that I returned to the trailer for a much needed nap.

Saturday included a little shopping in Opp and watching the Auburn/Alabama football game.  Even though I'm not a football fan, I  recognized that last play that won the game as being one that would be talked about for a long time afterwards.  We were with Auburn fans and they were very excited about the win. 

After the game we went to the Old Barn Restaurant in Goshen, Alabama, to celebrate my 65th birthday.  I had a delicious fork tender ribeye steak.  This is a great restaurant, but it is about a 45 minute drive from Opp.  By the time the football game was over and we drove there and ate it was pretty late especially for Bubba and me.  We haven't quite given up our early bedtime yet although we are working on it.  After all you're only 65 once.

It was a good week.  We enjoyed our time with family.  It was good to be off without having to worry about who I could get to take my place at work.  By the way, Bubba has retired from his one day a week job so we are both free and it feels great.

Meanwhile back in Baton Rouge, Darryl, Amy and Amelia celebrated Thanksgiving with their friends, Damien and Rebecca.  Amelia considers Damien and Rebecca part of her family and she had made Pilgrim and Indian "hats" to commemorate the first Thanksgiving.  Damien and Rebecca were good sports.  We missed seeing them for the holiday, but we have another coming soon and we're looking forward to it.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

From Secretary to Queen for a Day

Tuesday, October 29, I was honored with a Retirement Luncheon at my place of employment.  At first I nixed the idea of having anything "in my honor" because I've just been a secretary for as long as I can remember, but my young co-workers and boss insisted and finally I gave in.  I've got to admit that I'm so glad I did.

A delicious meal of Fried Mullet, Cheese Grits, and Baked Beans was served along with an incredible, irresistable table of desserts.  There were people there from all departments along with a group from the former prison I worked at before coming back to my present location.  There were a couple who came out of retirement to attend and some came who I worked with when I first started.  I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and appreciation extended to me.  And as if that wasn't enough, there were gifts and a plaque.  I will never forget that day or the wonderful people I have worked with through the years.  They were like family and I loved them all.
Pictured here are Richard (retired assistant warden), me, Mary Ellen (retired warden), Walt (now a warden), and Steve (currently a captain).  We all worked together at one time.  I called it "Camelot" because everything was so perfect when we worked together.
Pictured are Shawn (another warden's secretary from Lake Butler), Me, and Mary Ellen.  Shawn and her husband Ben (colonel) drove several hours to surprise me.  Shawn worked with me for about a year and was such a dear friend.  She has the sweetest family and I have missed them so much.
Mary Ellen was a wonderful boss.  Instead of a gift just on Secretary's Day, she declared that it was "Secretary's Week" and had a gift/card/lunch out every day of the week.  She also insisted that I take several weeks off when Amelia was born to enjoy being a grandmother.
This is a picture of my current warden, James, presenting me with a plaque and other gifts.  The black officer in the "trooper" hat is one that I'm especially fond of.  He stands for good things and works hard to make a difference.  The young man in the green shirt, Scott, (currently an assistant warden) is one of the young men that I started out with and I'm very proud of him.  He had just made sergeant when I started.
Getting presents is always fun.

Of course I can't begin to tell you who all these people are, but I am so fortunate to have known them and worked with them.  The most important one is right next to me (Bubba).  He kept the things at home (cooking, cleaning, etc.)  for the past seven years so that I had the energy and enthusiasm I needed at work and could enjoy any time I had off without having to worry about housework.

My wish would be for everyone to enjoy their jobs as much as I did mine.  This was a wonderful occasion and I'm very grateful for the experience.  I wish them all much happiness in the years ahead.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Rocks in My Ears"

Before I retired, Darryl called me one day to ask if we would consider keeping Amelia in November so that he could take Amy to New York City for her 40th birthday.  This is one of the reasons I wanted to retire.  It was nice to be able to say yes without consulting the calendar and figuring out who could sub for me at work.  So on November 6 we headed out for Baton Rouge.  

We arrived at their home around 3:00 Wednesday afternoon.  Darryl was working at home when he received a call from Amelia's school telling him that she was telling them that she had rocks in her ears.  They reported that she was not in any pain and Darryl asked if we would pick her up.  When we got there, I went in to get her and found that she was already back on the playground.  When I located her she was laughing and playing with some other children on the slide.  She continued to say that she had rocks in her ears but "don't worry, they don't hurt."  She didn't really mention this any more, but that night Darryl really checked her ears with a bright light and didn't see anything.

The first item on our agenda was joining Amelia for lunch at her school.  The lunches are catered by Picadilly and Amelia said, "They're really good, but I don't eat them."  Oh well, she carried her lunch and we ate the school lunch which was actually pretty good for a school lunch.  She was so excited to have us visit.  We met her teacher who was very nice and she asked about the rocks in Amelia's ears.  We told her that she appeared to be fine but said that she "couldn't remember" how she got the rocks in her ears.  The teacher said, "Oh, that means she did it."

When she got out of school on Thursday, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese which is what Amelia always says that she wants to do when we visit.  She came home with a new library book, "The Night Before Thanksgiving".  We read it at bedtime.  It was a story about children rescuing the turkeys from the farmer's axe by stuffing them under their shirts and taking them home.  I think we can give up any hope of Amelia eating turkey and dressing for Thanksgiving.  She was definitely sympathetic to the turkeys in the story.  We read it every night we were there.

By Saturday Bubba was getting a little restless so he decided to help Darryl out by raking some leaves.  Amelia was going with me to the grocery store until she spied Bubba working in the yard.  Then she announced that she wanted to stay home and help Paw-Paw and that she did.
Later Amelia wanted to "play" soccer so she and Bubba ran around in the yard kicking the ball.  She asked me if I wanted to play, but told me I would need to have on tennis shoes.  I told her that I didn't have any tennis shoes and she asked, "Because you're too old, Nana?"  I quickly explained to her that I had tennis shoes at home and I didn't think I was too old yet to wear tennis shoes.  She loved playing in the back yard.  It was a beautiful sunny day and I think we all enjoyed being outside.

That evening Amelia asked me to make her an Indian costume.  I remembered that she had made one in preschool the year before and I thought I might could copy that idea so I took a brown Cracker Barrel sack and went to work.  First I cut the headband and feathers out of the bag.  Amelia decorated them.  She wanted her Indian name to be "Horse Riding Lady".  Then I cut the vest out of the sack.  She decorated that and we put fringe on the bottom.  Lastly she threaded yarn through some pasta pieces for her necklace.
The next day was more of the same with a lot of time spent outside.  Amelia dressed herself that morning and located her bow and arrow so she was back to being an Indian again.
That morning I was inspired by Amy's new cookbook on Louisiana cooking to try making red beans and rice.  I had tried this one time before but it was way too spicy and we threw it out.  This recipe was more basic and I was sure it was going to be delicious.
I simmered my concoction all day long, but when we sat down to eat it was just okay -- not worth the trouble.  (Bubba suffered all night from eating it.)  Maybe we just aren't the cajun type of people.

Amelia's birthday is on November 12 so we decided to go ahead and give her the Legos set we had gotten her for one of her birthday presents and Bubba could help her put it together.
Look at all these pieces.  Didn't the box say it was for ages 6 - 12?  Anyway after determining that he had to follow the instructions, Bubba went to work and Amelia stayed by his side for the whole three hours it took to assemble this horse farm.
She was very pleased with the finished product.  She says that "horsies" are her favorite animals.
Amy and Darryl came in late Sunday night and Amelia was very happy to see them when she woke up Monday morning.  That evening we planned a "family" birthday party so we could celebrate with her before returning home.  Of course, she picked Chuck-E-Cheese again and her mom had a small birthday cake for the celebration.  
The next morning which was actually her birthday, we had hot doughnuts for breakfast.  She was excited about going to school because she was going to get a birthday visor, a pencil, and some stickers from her teacher.  Amy was taking cupcakes to school for her class and it was going to be a big day.
This is our sweet six year old.  It's hard to believe how fast she is growing up.  She has added so much joy to our lives.  I love it when she throws her arms around me and says, "Nana, I just love you so much."  Rest assured the feeling is mutual.

Note:  On Thursday evening while Amelia and I were watching tv, she reached up to her ear and pulled out a little rock.  After that I kept asking her if she could feel any more rocks in her ears.  Finally she said, "Can we just take a break from talking about that?"  So I will.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

St. Andrews State Park

I'm going to post later about my Retirement Luncheon.  It took place on Tuesday, October 28.  The next day we loaded up and headed for St. Andrews State Park at Panama City Beach.  This was our first time at this park although many people have told us that it is a great campground.  We decided to try it and reserved site #147 without knowing anything about the layout of the park or what to expect.  We don't really care for the T.H. Stone State Park at Cape San Blas because the sites are too wooded and none of them even have a view of the water.  We were expecting pretty much the same at St. Andrews but were very pleasantly surprised.  Although when making the reservation, we saw nothing to indicate that we would even be in the vicinity of the water, this was the view in back of our trailer.
As we explored the park, we made note of several sites that would be nice to return to that are on the water.  I really enjoy a view of the water when camping.  

We rode over to the area known as the jetties.  This is a place that I went to when I was growing up to go swimming.  You don't have to worry about an undertow when swimming here.

The weather was beautiful Wednesday and Thursday.  On Thursday, we went around to a fishing pier located in the park.  This is the first time I've fished like this in many years and although we weren't doing that great, it was fun just being out and enjoying the beautiful weather.

On Friday, it rained and we just spent time reading and watching tv.  Bubba grilled steaks for supper and they were so good.  We also ate out a couple of times.

Every morning and evening, there were special visitors to the camp sites. 
This was a good time of the year to visit Panama City Beach.  The traffic was light and the weather was cool.  We will definitely return here.  Hopefully, Joe and Judy can make it next time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How's It Going?

My first few days of retired life have been very pleasant.  On Monday, Bubba worked and I had the whole day to myself.  I got a pedicure and spent the morning shopping, mostly looking but I did get two new shirts to wear with jeans.

Tuesday, I washed several loads of clothes and spent time going through the boxes of stuff I cleaned out of my office at work.  I had a lot of pictures in frames of people I had worked with and I took those out of the frames and put them in an album.  Then I discarded a lot of old paperwork that I wouldn't need anymore. I also put out my fall decorations.  I walked on the treadmill which is something I'm going to try very hard to make a habit.

Wednesday, we went to Indian Pass to try some surf fishing and Bubba wanted to throw his cast net some.  We rode down on the beach which was fun and although we didn't catch any fish, the weather was beautiful and it was nice being outside to enjoy it.
I also walked on the treadmill and we rode our bicycles around the neighborhood some.

Tomorrow is a doctor's appointment for me and then we are going to buy groceries.

I love this life so far.  I wake up to the smell of coffee.  I have time to enjoy several cups before I get dressed.  I just feel free, like anything is a possibility.  We are planning our next camping trip and a trip to Baton Rouge to see family.  It's a good life.  I think I'm adjusting well.

That Day I've Been Waiting For

That day I've been waiting for finally arrived on Thursday, October 17, at approximately 10:30 AM.  Following a community breakfast event that I had promised my boss I would oversee, I was able to leave work for the last time.  The camper was hooked up and loaded.  All we had to do was change clothes and head out.  We had originally planned to meet Joe and Judy at the East Bank COE Campground but the government shut down caused us to change our plans and we met at Seminole State Park which is one of our favorites anyway.

About a week ago Bubba surprised me with a bicycle as a retirement gift.  I've been wanting one for a while.  Any one who says that not forgetting how to do something is like "riding a bicycle" is not exactly accurate.  I'm wobbly and if I look at something, I head towards it.  I'm getting a little better.  It is great exercise for me after years of sitting at a desk all day and I'm looking forward to riding around the various campgrounds we stay at on my shiny new orange bicycle.
The weather was pleasant and we spent time around the campfire catching up on all the news.
There were some s'mores and roasted marshmallows and boiled peanuts.
Guess who had marshmallows all over their face.

Our best meal, of course, was the fish that Bubba fried with the aid of his laser thermometer.  We had a platter full of flounder and mullet.

It just doesn't get any better than this.  Good food, good conversation, good times.  What a wonderful way to begin my retirement!

On the way home, we pulled into our favorite truck stop for lunch and discovered that we had another flat tire on the trailer.  Luckily we were in a good place for this to happen and it didn't take Bubba long to change it.  The trucker parked next to us offered to help although Bubba had the situation under control.  He gave me a pint of strawberries that he said were fresh from California.  We enjoyed them on our oatmeal later in the week.

This second flat helped us make the decision to replace all the tires on the trailer.  They don't have many miles on them, but they are old so that will be a priority next week.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our Tennis Star

At the end of September, I took an extra day and we headed to Baton Rouge to spend a few days with family.  As usual Amelia seemed so happy to see us. She had a tennis lesson scheduled for Thursday afternoon and we were not going to go because last time she was more interested in what I was doing than what her teacher was saying.  She really wanted us to go and promised that she would pay attention.  It was really fun watching the little kids and their efforts to hit the ball.
She probably is better at this than I would be.  I really think her tennis outfit is cute, don't you?

After her lesson we stopped on a little bridge at the park for her to feed the turtles.  I've never seen so many turtles in one place before.  She was facinated by them.

In addition to watching a tennis lesson, we went to Chuck-E-Cheese on Friday for lunch.  I think we all enjoy this.  You get a meal and a lot of entertainment with a $20 investment.  That night when Amelia said her prayers, she said "And thank you for Chuck-E-Cheese coming and throwing out all those tickets for me to pick up."

Darryl began Saturday morning preparing to watch football in the afternoon.  I don't think he will miss a play with this set up.

Saturday evening we took Amelia to see "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" in 3D.  I was very proud of Bubba for going.  He hates animated movies.  I can't say that I loved the movie, but Amelia laughed out loud many times so I know that she did and that was what it was all about.

Our visit was over too soon and we headed home on Sunday.  That trip seems to get longer every time we make it.  We look forward to seeing them again in November.