Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mardi Gras Baton Rouge Style (The Real Story)

Okay, you probably know us well enough to know that the first post about Mardi Gras was just my idea of a joke.  We did stay after the family left for Disney World.  We did have a good time although it was a little different from the first version.

We ate at Tommy's Fish House which always has delicious fresh seafood.
This picture of me standing in front of the restaurant is probably why I joined Weight Watchers immediately upon our return to Florida.
We visited the outlet mall in Gonzales as well as a Trader Joe's.  We enjoy visiting a big produce stand that I wish we had one like at home.  Nice produce at good prices.

We enjoyed watching tv.  We rented "Gravity" on Saturday and "Captain Phillips" on Sunday.  In my opinion, "Gravity" was just okay.  "Captain Phillips" was really good.  Afterwards I googled it to see how close the movie was to what actually happened and they really did a pretty good job of telling it.

Monday morning we headed for home.  Traffic on I-10 going towards Baton Rouge was nearly at a stand still for miles because they were moving several Mardi Gras floats down the interstate and that, my friend, is as close as we came to a parade.

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