Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Grandparents' Day 2014

 There is only one thing that would cause us to drive the 400+ miles to Baton Rouge for only a short visit.  It  was time for the annual Grandparents' Day at Amelia's school.  It was going to be a short visit this time because she and Amy are both out of school for Mardi Gras and they were going on a family vacation to Disney World, leaving on Friday evening when Amy got home from school.

We arrived Wednesday evening and enjoyed a delicious dinner of steak, green beans, and risotto with peas in it.  It was a delicious meal and our first time for eating risotto.  I didn't think I would like it, but it was yummy.  And since it was Mardi Gras we had a choice of apple or blueberry cream cheese king cake for dessert.

Amy doesn't teach on Thursday but she had a doctor's appointment and had made a commitment to serve cake at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new playground at Amelia's school.  Bubba and I just stayed at home.  I had offered to help Amy with her laundry because I knew she would probably be up all night washing clothes and trying to get everything packed for her trip.  I didn't count how many loads I washed and folded, but it would have been a couple of months worth of laundry at my house.  Amy was very appreciative and I was glad I was able to help.  Thursday night we went to a musical program at Amelia's school and out to eat Mexican afterwards.  I got Amelia into bed while Amy packed furiously preparing for their trip.

Friday morning we thought we were getting to school early enough to get a good seat for the program, but we had to park two blocks away.  Boy, those grandparents are something else.  They asked who had come the farthest.  I thought it would be us, but there were people there from Kentucky, North Carolina, and even California.

This is the school's annual musical program and each grade had a song and dance they performed.  Amelia's group sang "You've Got a Friend in Me" from "Toy Story".

That's Amelia on the right.  We had a hard time getting pictures.  Some grandparents are really pushy about such things.  (The ones we sat next to did not seem to mind when Bubba crawled out over them to get a better picture.)

I like the way they do their programs here.  They rotate the children while they are singing and dancing so that each one gets their time in the front row.  Amelia takes all this seriously and loves performing.  I predict that we will see her starring in her high school musical one day.

By the time we made our way to the classroom, Amelia's teacher already had them at tables working on a project.  If you liked cherries, you made George Washington.  If you didn't, you made Abraham Lincoln.

I know my eyes are closed, but this is the only picture of us together that day.  That's Amelia's friend, Gabriele, on the right.

Amelia asked us to take this picture.  She loves her friends.  There was a little boy, Jax, who was really upset when his grandparents left.  The teacher was in the floor trying to comfort him and Amelia went right over to assist.  She spoke such soothing words to him -- how sweet.

This is Amelia's teacher.  I really like her.  Amelia says she is "really sweet".  She really bragged on Amelia's reading and her creativity.  I am amazed at how well Amelia can read.  When I was in kindergarten, we learned our ABC's.  She can read all the level one and two readers as well as much of what is in books way above that level.  Since we only had the afternoon with her before she headed for Disney World, we checked her out of school and headed for our usual destination - Chuck-E-Cheese.
On the way something was said about picky eaters.  Amelia said, "My dad told the doctor that I'm a picky eater and that is not true!  Mom got some chocolate chip cookes that were chocolate, and I tried them and I liked them!"

I agree that she is certainly not a picky eater when it comes to sweets.  She is always willing to try a new dessert -- especially if it is chocolate.

We had a good time.  Amelia ended up with 125 tickets.  She was able to get a bracelet with a big jewel on it and a pink "hair" braid to clip in her hair.  She was very pleased with her prizes.

When we got home, I helped her get a bath and into some comfortable clothes for travelling.  Amy came in, Darryl loaded up the car and they were off to Disney World.

Bubba and I stayed behind and took advantage of having the house to ourselves for a little Baton Rouge vacation of our own.

It wasn't long until we began receiving pictures from the vacationers.
I think Princess Amelia is having a wonderful time, don't you?

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