Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Monday, March 31, 2014

Babysitters - Will Travel

How far would you travel for a babysitting opportunity with your only grandchild?  Bubba and I just returned from Baton Rouge (again) where we kept Amelia two nights for Amy and Darryl to go out.  The first night (Friday) they went to New Orleans to eat at Emeril's Delmonico in celebration of their 15th wedding anniversary.

The next night they attended a gala which is actually a fundraiser for the school Amelia attends.  There is a nice meal with a lot of auctions both silent and regular.  It's a dressy occasion and apparently a lot of fun.
Amelia thought her mom and dad looked "gorgeous" and I tend to agree.

Meanwhile we managed to get in our customary trip to Chuck-E-Cheese where I ate the salad bar instead of pizza which was not fun because I love pizza.

Amelia usually stores her valuable prizes in our car so for two trips to Chuck-E-Cheese, she has a hot pink braid, a blue braid, and two bracelets.  She is a lucky girl.  She could score more prizes, but she likes to play a lot of things that don't reward the player with tickets for prizes.

We enjoyed time outside in the beautiful weather.  I'm finding it very difficult to stick to my plan to not buy her something every time we go for a visit.  This time we took her a ball and bat which she seemed to enjoy.
We also played soccer (her version) again.  She is very bossy.  She has a soccer whistle and props her foot on the ball while she explains the rules to us.
Unfortunately Bubba does not follow the rules and enjoys aggravating Amelia so he was frequently in "time out" for his bad behavior.

She read "Abe Lincoln's Hat" to me and I agree that it is "seriously" a good book.  I'm amazed at how well she reads to just be in kindergarten.  Amy says that most of the children in her class are also good readers, but I just don't remember actual reading starting at such an early age.

We made the trip home today in the usual eight hours with just a stop for lunch and gas.  It was rough, but we did enjoy our time there.  Amy and Darryl treated us to lunch yesterday as a "thank you" for babysitting although we were happy to do it.  Bubba was a happy camper with his tray of crawfish.
Now, I sure you are interested about my diet progress although Bubba thinks it's not that great a topic.  I said that I would report on the Beef & Asparagus Stir Fry.
The recipe made four generous servings so we ate it for two meals.  It was delicious.  I served it with a wild rice blend and steamed broccoli.  We also discovered that we really like fresh asparagus so we will be repeating this recipe and also eating more asparagus in the future.  We're trying new foods and so far we are eating well (probably better and healthier than before) and enjoying it.  Tomorrow is my day to weigh.  I don't know what to expect.  I chose well when we ate out and when we ate in, we prepared meals like I would have eaten at home.  The down side is that I've been almost a whole week without any exercise to speak of so we will see and I'll report.

The root canal that I wrote about last week has finally been done.  I loved the lady that did it and there was absolutely no pain before, during, or after.  I go back in six weeks to have the medication she put in removed and replaced with a permanent substance.

It looks like we have a few days of spring weather ahead.  I have some things I want to do around the house and I may decorate for Easter.  It's one of my favorite times of the year.

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