Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Saved the Best for Last

After arriving home late on Monday evening, we spent all day Tuesday frantically packing the trailer to head out for Opp, AL, and five days of fun based at Frank Jackson State Park.  Since we arrived on a Wednesday, there were many beautiful sites on the lake from which to choose; however, we unknowingly picked the one site that had been having "problems" with its sewer which resulted in our having to pack up on Friday morning and move two sites down to a site that ended up being even better especially since it did not have a "problem".

 While Bubba and I got things in order, Amelia relaxed in a recliner while she talked non-stop about seeing Uncle Joe and Aunt Judy.  "I just love them and they are so nice," she said.  As usual, Judy had prepared a delicious lunch for us.  She has been so sweet about accommodating my desire to stay on my diet.  She had made chicken salad with all the "legal" ingredients and served it with a wide variety of fruit.

We returned to the trailer after stopping at a Dollar Store to pick up a pink tablecloth because Amelia had planned to entertain Judy with a tea party.  I brought the china tea set that I had partied with as a child.  I fixed lemonade for tea and little plates of sweets, ham and cheese, and fresh pineapple.  Amelia served as hostess instructing us to say, "Here, Here" when we needed something.  After she filled our cups, we had to clink them together like we were having a toast.  Bubba and Joe were there, just not invited to the ladies tea party.  Eventually Amelia said, "Would you boys like something?" and she passed the treats to them instructing them to say "Here, Here" if they needed anything else.  She even brought her i-pad out so that we would have music at our party.

After the party we enjoyed a period of bubble blowing which is always a proper ending for a tea party.  The next morning Judy and I got our nails done and I had Amelia's toenails polished.  I can't believe that I didn't get a picture, but just picture Dorothy's red glittery shoes in the Wizard of Oz.  Amelia was pleased.

Joe would bring out the Kubota every time Amelia asked him to and she steered while Joe or Bubba managed the gas and brakes. Amelia calls it a "Kumoter".

Amelia loves the cows and horses on Joe's farm.  On the way back to the camp site, she told us that we should have a farm only she specifically requested that we have chickens on our farm.  She wants to be in charge of animal names and began giving names to chickens that had only hatched out in her imagination.

We had a low country boil one day for lunch (and leftovers for supper).  It was so good!

Uncle Joe got out John's old "tornado bike" for Amelia to ride.  She had so much fun spinning around on it that she completely forgot about riding her scooter.

There is a fish pond at Joe and Judy's that Amelia was looking forward to fishing in.  I knew she was serious when she asked to wear my hat to go fishing.

Joe helped her throw out and immediately she began catching catfish.

She really had to lean back and pull to get them in.

She was afraid of them after she pulled them in.  This is the first time she has fished where she would catch them fast enough to hold her interest.

Amelia demonstrated her reading skills to Joe and Judy who gave her their undivided attention.  I'm so glad that she is getting to know them.  Can any child ever suffer from having too much love?  These are memories that she will have for the rest of her life.  I know that I can still remember special times with my grandparents and aunts and uncles.

We enjoyed wading in the water.  Amelia called this her beach.  She admired the water in the evening calling my attention to how it sparkled in the setting sunlight.

Paw-Paw and Amelia always enjoy taking a selfie.

All too soon, it was Saturday and time to meet Amy and Darryl in Mobile to return their daughter to them.  We walked down to the "beach" one last time.

Amelia told us that if anyone wanted to sleep in her bed while she was gone that it would be okay.

 Of course the good times did not stop when Amelia went home.  We camped for two more nights and enjoyed more good meals and a lot of good conversation with Joe and Judy.  We're planning a trip to Savannah, GA, soon and we are looking forward to venturing further away from home.
Amelia was so happy to see her mom and dad.  We are so thankful for the time they allow Amelia to visit us. 

Of course they know that we will always take good care of her! 

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