Camper at Night 2

Camper at Night 2

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter 2014

Back down I-10 we travelled once again as we headed to Baton Rouge to spend Easter with Amy, Darryl and Amelia.  We waited until Good Friday to go which meant that the traffic was heavier and we endured rain for a good part of the trip.  The best part of the trip was meeting Joe and Judy in Mobile for lunch at Tacky Jack's.  That really helped to break up the trip so it didn't seem quite as long.

We got to Amy and Darryl's and waited about thirty minutes before they came in from the Good Friday Crawfish Boil and Easter Egg Hunt with the family of their friends, Damien and Rebecca.  Amelia was so happy to see us and we were just as excited to see her.  My resolve to not take her something when we visit didn't last too long.  We had a Cracker Barrel checkers game and a new book for her this time.  She and I played a game of checkers and she was pretty sharp -- except that she insisted that some of the pieces were bodyguards and some were queens in addition to the usual kings.  I can't believe how well she is reading.  In the "I Can Read" books, she easily reads the level two books as well as some at level three.

Saturday morning Amy and I got away for a couple of hours of shopping.  I think Amy was disappointed that she was not able to get creative with our Easter meal -- I wanted to stay with my WW program and Darryl is doing a low carbs plan with good results.  She did make us (Bubba, Amy and me) a dessert that was "legal" and delicious - Red, White and Blueberry Trifle.

Amelia and I always make a cake for Easter.  Every year she gets better on this project.  She was able to get all the ingredients in the bowl without dropping anything.  She enjoyed running the mixer and stirring the batter.  It was definitely a well mixed cake.

And of course she was pleased with the finished product which was decorated appropriately for Easter.
Then she and Amy dyed eggs together.  This is something that I never really enjoyed as a mom so it was nice to sit this out as a grandmother and just watch the "fun".

That night Amelia left a piece of cake and a Yoo-Hoo for the Easter Bunny who ate most of the cake and apparently took the Yoo-Hoo with him.  Following a delicious lunch of Ham, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes and Trifle for desert, it was time to hunt eggs outside.

It was a good day and I think we all enjoyed it.  On Monday we headed for home with Amelia who was beginning her spring break.  Amy was out of school the week before so we were excited that we would get to have Amelia for the week.  On the way home, we stopped at a Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  I had been hesitant to do this since I started my WW plan.  I ordered Eggs, Grits, and Wheat Toast which was hard because I love their biscuits.  It was good and I was proud of myself.  When I weighed on Tuesday I had lost another pound.  The week ahead promised to be a good one as we were planning on camping in Opp, AL, and spending time with Joe and Judy.  Amelia always enjoys seeing them.  For her it is like having two sets of grandparents at one time.  Does it get any better than that?

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